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1. Les Turkus, 40, is the owner of Galaxy Studios. He hates gay people, the opposite of his brother, Vince Cooper. Lesbian ex wife, Eva Sullivan, got sole custody of their only kid, Bobby Turkus. He lives alone in his mansion. He has a criminal past; the secret is he raped Eva's sister, Mary Sullivan.

2. Vince Cooper, 39, lives at "Galaxy House" by the studio; he outbid his brother for the property and the house. He's beloved by all in Gaysville. His newspaper, Gaysville News, is quite popular. Rose Laughlin is his only child. His true love, Mary Sullivan, left town, during seven months pregnant. He was heartbroken and never gotten over it.

3. Tess McGuire, 39, returned to Gaysville with her only child, Rocky Hart, to conquer her dreadful past. She recently opened La Queen, a coffee shop. Rocky is never a problem for her, she's grateful. She wants to renew her relationship with a lost love; something is holding her back - a secret marriage.

4. Eva Sullivan, 37, a reporter for Gaysville News, Vince started the newspaper in her honor. As days go by, she never stops thinking about her sister, Mary. She misses her a lot. Bobby Turkus is her proud and joy. They live at Micky Miles' apartment building, Queen Place. She hoped Mary and her raise their kids together. 20 years has passed, there's still no sign if Mary and her grown kid.

5. Bobby Turkus, 20, feels really close to his Uncle Vince, than his real dad, Les. Vince is a father figure. Les is always downright nasty to his lesbian mom; he wouldn't see his dad unless Les change his homophobia ways. Fat chance! His first job is continued at Tess' coffee shop. His best friend is Connie Miles, Micky's daughter.

6. Rocky Hart, 20, the world he knows may be turn upside down if he knows the truth of his mom, Tess! He knows about the secret marriage, it's much worse than that. He's much closer to Tess' secret than he realized, its right under his nose. He works for his mom at La Queen.

7. Micky Miles, 46, what can I say about Micky? His story traveled many miles to get where he's today. LOL! He has two wonderful kids, Kenny Miles and Connie Miles, but Kenny is at odds with him from "the club wars!" Connie, on the other hand, loves her bisexual dad with all her heart. His ex wife, Patty Cobbs, moved to Gaysville to be closer to their daughter, Connie. He's also the owner of Queen Place apartments.

8. Edgar Gang, 31, Micky’s ex boyfriend is a twisted one! He wished he never "travel those miles" with him to get where he's at today. They were so much in love, the business side ruined their 10-year relationship and "the club wars" begins. To top it all, he got a boy toy in Micky’s son, Kenny. Wait till Micky finds out. It may cost Micky his life like it almost ruins Connie's life!

9. Kenny Miles, 23, the only difference between Micky and him - his dad is bisexual and he's gay. And they like the same men; it must run in the family. Edgar use to love both men, but Kenny is more loyal and trustworthy. Kenny wants to protect Connie from their daddy and the affair with Edgar, Connie "forgotten" the kiss on Angel Street. There's no escaping from Micky, he's Kenny's landlord at Queen Place.

10. Connie Miles, 18, poor sweet Connie! Her family is in shambles, she's only having a Micky to love, Kenny's love isn't brotherly, and Edgar is the gang to blame. In the beginning, she felt like Edgar's after Micky’s money. Now, she can't remember a thing from her past, Kenny fixed it she doesn't. Oh, brother!

11. Tyron Twig, 26, is a bartender for Edgar's gay club, Club Sleaze. His drug dealing is too important than his lonely wife, Rose Laughlin. Vince had a bad feeling he's trouble, he was against their 1998 marriage. The Rose has one big thorn in her side, but she's too occupied of wanting a baby. On the upside, Tyron lied "he's impotent." Thank God for white lies!

12. Rose Laughlin, 20, on the downside, the white life may destroy her life with Tyron. He wouldn't let her forget about the marriage vows or else! Revenge is on his mind if she deceives him. She has a lot to loose including her freedom. Her happiness means the world to her, she finds her future baby's father, Trek Spider. The baby is her happiness to void the loneliness. She may not have any luck in the baby's natural making, Trek's gay!

13. Trek Spider, 24, Oh, the web he's gonna make soon - all tangle up in the closet and the other insects may eat him! He lives with a homophobia, Steve Weeds, in a house they brought together in the heart of Gaysville. His stardom is on the up rise, but Rose is the poison insect he encounters, she demand a baby with him or she run a "coming out" story on him in Gaysville News.

14. Leo Tate, 22, likes older men starting with Steve's dad, Fox Weeds. Fox brought the "father" type when he needs fatherly love and comfort. The closeness has each other fallen in love during Lucy illness. Fox's murder is unresolved. Leo was in moaning till his new love, Rocky healed his wounds.

15. Thomas Warlock, 25, brought his brother, Leo, to Gaysville to escape their abusive father. He laid a hand on Leo for being gay. Their luck changed, Thomas got a 10-year contract at Galaxy in 1997. Therefore, he can hire a bodyguard for Leo when he gets more famous. Leo's safety comes first. They're the only family they have, just Thomas and Leo. Thom is under strict orders from Les, watch out for Bobby; Les doesn't want Bobby to fall in the wrong crowd, namely the gays!

16. Steve Weeds, 32, this is one weed nobody can get rid of! He returned to town in 2000 for revenge against Thomas and Leo. The love of Leo and Fox brought out the worse in him, it ruined his parents' marriage and he never forgives them for Lucy of dieing from a broken heart. And the murder of Fox made him more bittersweet. Steve promised Thomas "As long as he's in charge, he would make their lives a living hell." Unknown to Steve, Trek is his closet gay roomie; Steve's wrath would make him bitterer.

17. Dr. Wiggy Cobbs, 47, is the chief of staff at Gaysville Memorial Hospital. Micky is his long time best friend. Wiggy delivered Patty and Micky’s daughter and his own son, Kazz, at separated times. His kids, Kazz and Nancy, are at a boarding school; work takes up too much time to raise the kids. They always send them presents on special occasions. There are lots of love in the Cobbs family. He's Connie's doctor!

18. Patty Cobbs, 44, Wiggy and the kids are her world. Patty left Connie in Micky’s care in 1985, thus she became "Aunt Patty." Connie's world fell apart, she doesn't want to be Aunt Patty; she needs her real mom. Wiggy and Micky are against it, Connie is already in too much pain and the mommy truth may force her over the edge. Poor sweet Connie! The truth would have mighty effects in both families, The Cobbs and The Miles!

19. Spike Steele, 30, is a dancing queen and a club kid. He has a long history with Edgar Gang since their elementary days. The "It Fagot" wants to get his groove on with other gays, whom they must adore him at all times. Yeah, right! He doesn't care whether it’s good or bad as long as he has a fantastic time! Tyron is his former club kid partner in NYC.

20. Katt, 30, loves to use her claws to get what she wants; she isn't afraid to scratch people's eyes out. Most drag queens in New Orleans don’t want to talk to her any more! She is that vicious when it comes to her list! On top of her "WANT" list is Edgar, her boss at Club Sleaze. Besides Edgar, she wants Tina is her life. Tina is a powerful force to be reckoned with; Tyron is her supplier.  

21. Brad Summer, 29, is a lovable guy who just arrived in town with mysterious past that nobody seems to know except the Katt wouldn't want to share. It may leads to some Gaysville lives, how are they connected? Katt's claws and his lips wouldn't spill the beans to anyone!

 Copyright © 2005 Kazz Falcon
I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.