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Everyone must have family somewhere. If not, your friends is your loving family.

The Turkus Family

1) Les Turkus is Bobby Turkus's dad; Bobby hates his dad for treating his lesbian mom like dirt.

2) Vince Cooper hates his own brother, Les, as much as Bobby does; they have no love lost!

He is Bobby's uncle!

3) Eva Sullivan is Les' ex lebian wife and the mother of Bobby.

4) Mary Sullivan is Eva's missing "secret rape" sister; she has a kid from the rape somewhere.

5) Bobby Turkus is Les & Eva's only child; Vince treats him as his own.
Rose Laughlin is his cousin.

6) Rose Laughlin is Tyron Twig's wife and Vince's adopted daughter; Someone mysterious left a baby girl in Vince's care at his place to take care of the rose; her favorite flower in the world.

Vince named her "Rose Laughlin."

The Miles Family, those traveling miles!!

1) Mickie Miles is the bisexual father of Kenny & Connie.

2) Kenny Miles is Connie's half brother.

3) Connie Miles is Kenny's half sister; the daughter of Patty Cobbs.

4) Edgar Gang is the Miles kids' former step "mother."

Mickie's ex lover.

The Cobbs Family

1) Dr Wiggy Cobbs is Patty's husband and the father of their three kids - Kazz, Nancy & Webb.

2) Patty Cobbs is also the mother of Connie Miles, the daughter of Mickie Miles.

Connie known her as "Aunt Patty;" she doesn't know the Cobbs kids are her half siblings.

3) Kazz Cobbs is their oldest son.

4) Nancy Cobbs is their second kid.

5) Webb Cobbs is their third and last kid.

The Weeds Family

1) Fox Weeds is Lucy's husband and Steve's deceased dad.

2) Lucy Weeds is Fox's wife and Steve's deceased mom.

3) Steve Weeds is their only son.

The other friends/family/foes

1) Thomas Warlock is Leo's actor brother.

2) Leo Tate is Thomas' only brother

3) Tess McGuire is Rocky's mother; another kid somewhere that she gave up for her and the baby's sake!

She is secretly married.

4) Rocky Hart is Tess' only son and another sibling somewhere that he doesn't know about.

5) Sugar Lips is Katt's cousin and ex wife of Tyron Twig.

6) Katt is Sugar Lips' gay and drag queen cousin.

7) Tyron Twig is Rose Laughlin's "impodent" husband and Sugar Lips' ex husband.

8) Trek Spider is nobody's relative as yet.

9) Brad Summers just arrived alone and has no family!

 Copyright © 2005 Kazz Falcon
I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.