A) Galaxy Movie Studios, 1974 - Present
Galaxy Movie Studios
7800 N Turkus Drive
Gaysville, CA 90777
(987) 555 1425
The Workers
1. Fox Weeds is the Galaxy Studios
founder & owner, 1974 -1998.
Fox was gun down by an unknown assassin.
2. Lucy Weeds is the Galaxy Studios
founder & owner, 1974 - 1998.
She left town with her only son.
3. Steve Weeds is the vice president
of the movie division, 2000 - present.
4. Les Turkus is the new owner,
1998 - present.
5. Thomas Warlock is an actor,
1997 - present.
6. Trek Spider is an actor, 1998
- present.
Les is the new owner, dued to the part
of Fox's death by an unknown assassin. They read Fox's will in late '98, stating Les is the owner till Steve Weeds, Fox's
son, becomes part owner when he turn 40.
Les started to work at Galaxy in the mailroom
in 1976.