Sex is very interesting with the right person indeed!
GAY 1. Eva Sullivan 2. Rocky Hart 3. Leo Tate 4. Trek Spider 5. Kenny Miles 6. Spike Steele 7. Edgar Gang 8. Katt 9. Brad Summers
STRAIGHT 1. Vince Cooper 2. Tess McGuire 3. Bobby Turkus 4. Les Turkus 5. Thomas Warlock 6. Tyron Twig 7. Rose Laughlin 8. Steve Weeds 9. Dr Wiggy Cobbs 10. Patty Cobbs 11. Connie Miles
WOMEN 1. Eva Sullivan 2. Tess McGuire 3. Patty Cobbs 4. Connie Miles 5. Sugar Lips BISEXUAL 1. Mickie Miles
Copyright © 2005 Kazz Falcon I have the spirit of an alien.I need to find my own kind.I must shed off the dreadful human skin.It is very uncomfortable.