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Dr Wiggy & Patty Cobbs are married with three kids -Kazz, Nancy & Webb. Patty is Connie's mother and Mickie's ex wife.

Dr Wiggy Cobbs’ schools

1958 – 1964 Las Vegas Elementary School

Wiggy moved to Chicago in 1962.

1964 – 1967 Chicago Middle School

He moved to Cleveland in 1966 & finished middle school.

1967 – 1971 Cleveland High School

He moved to NYC in 1968 & finished high school.

Patty Cobbs’ schools

1961 – 1967 Tampa Elementary School

1967 – 1970 Tampa Middle School

1970 – 1974 Tampa High School

The Cobbs' history

1953 – Wiggy Cobbs was born in San Francisco, CA

1956 – Patty Cobbs was born in Tampa, FL

1957 – Wiggy moved to Las Vegas, Nevada

1962 – Wiggy moved to Chicago, Illinois.

1966 – Wiggy moved to Cleveland, Ohio.

1971 – Wiggy moved back to Chicago after he finished high school.

1976 – Patty moved to Miami.

1978 – Wiggy moved to Miami and lived next door to Patty's apartment. They became good friends and dated for a while.

1980 – Micky Miles and his son, Kenny Miles, moved to Miami in Patty's apt. Micky and Patty married 6 months later, despite his bisexuality. Wiggy was the best man!

1982 – Wiggy delivered Micky & Patty's daughter, Connie, in a fancy restaurant.

1983 – Patty couldn't handle the bisexuality; Micky is seeing more men that her. Patty turned to Wiggy and rekindled their love for each other. Patty divorced Micky and got share custody of Connie.

1984 – Wiggy & Patty got married. Micky was the best man!

1985 – Wiggy's job took Patty to his hometown, San Francisco; they left Connie in Micky's care. Patty became “Aunt Patty” to Connie.

1986 – Kazz Cobbs was born in San Francisco. Patty’s water broke in the car. They got stuck in a nasty storm; Wiggy delivered his own son.

1987 – Nancy Cobbs was born in Gaysville, CA; they had two kids. They were visiting The Miles and Patty had the baby girl.

Connie Miles' schools

1987 – 1993 Gaysville Elementary School

1993 – 1996 Gaysville Middle School

1996 – 2000 Gaysville High School

Connie dropped out of the 10th grade in 1997 for emotional problems.

Back to The Cobb' s History

1990 – They moved with their kids to Palm Springs, CA.

1995 – Webb Cobbs was born in Palm Springs; they had three kids.

1998 – Dr Wiggy & Patty Cobbs moved to Gaysville to be closer to Patty's "niece," Connie. Patty became very upset at Micky for not telling her about Connie; she gave her motherly right long time ago explained Micky.

Besides, Connie already haves a mom in Edgar and she's very close to Kenny; she had all the family support she can get. That's doesn't have the right to keep her in the dark, she's still family as "Aunt Patty."

Dr Wiggy want no part of the family fighting; he needs to keep his mind on his career first. Patty became furious with him too; how on God's green earth can he put his career in front of his family?

According to Dr Wiggy, he can't mess up the patience's lives & health for other people's problems, namely hers. Patty slapped him big time and hates him for being a cold-hearted bastard; Connie must come first like their kids.

Dr Wiggy pointed out that it's her ideal for the kids to be in private school and focus theirs lives on their promising careers. Their careers are the most important thing in their lives as long their jobs doesn't conflict with their home lives. Then again, Connie is her daughter and a conflict in their lives.

Dr Wiggy became Connie's doctor at Micky & Patty's request. Patty thinks it is a good ideal to know Connie on a personal level as daughter and mother. Right now, that ideal is on hold till Connie gets better.

Connie doesn't realize Patty is her mom, but Kenny had a feeling there's something up with Patty. Kenny can't place it & would leave it up to time; he's going to watch Patty very closely. The Cobbs kids don't know Connie is their older sister.

 Copyright © 2005 Kazz Falcon
I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.